Water Intensity

Water Neutral
Corporate Water Neutrality is achieved by using the framework of Review, Reduce, Reuse, Recycle and Replenish - the 5R's.
CCC used this framework with Linea Aqua’s, Hanwella Factory to become the firstWaterNeutral® apparel manufacturer in the world. The factory has been systematically monitoring, mitigating, and replenishing its overall water consumption over a period of fiveyears through exhaustive Water Footprint Assessments and Water Audits. Linea Aqua reduced its business entity’s freshwater consumption by increasing efficiency of the water system, reusing and recycling waterin the factory. The factory then compensated for its remaining water consumption by investingin water replenishment programmes and supportingprojects that addressedlocal water needs from safe water access to watershed protection and water for community use.

Water Audit
A water audit is an account of all the water in a water system (from the point of entry into the facility through its discharge into the sewer) resulting in a quantified understanding of the integrity of the water system and its operation. It provides the means to develop precision in developing schemes for water conservation, water use efficiency and water management.
CCC conducted a Comprehensive Water Audit for the operations of Mahaweli Reach Hotel (MRH) which committed to a three-year programme of regular monitoring/reassessments and has comprehensively assessed its operational waterconsumption. The hotel usedthe findings from theseassessmentsto continue to monitor and work towards reducing its water consumptionwhere possible. In recognition of this noteworthy commitment to being mindful of the impact of its operations on the environment, MRH has been recertified as a “WaterConscious® Hotel”.

Water Footprint
A Water Footprint is an indicator of appropriation of freshwater resources, measured in terms of amount of water consumed and polluted. It has three componentsnamely, Green Water Footprint, Blue Water Footprint and Grey Water Footprint.
CCC conducted a Water Footprint Assessment for SolTrim International (Pvt) Ltd’s Rajagiriya Factory to assess the water footprint of its day-to-day operations.It is the long-term commitment of the Factory to reduce the company’s impactto the water cycle, and alsoto become a more responsible corporate citizen, whilst ensuring it reaps the benefits of being a sustainable, ethical and eco-friendly business entity. The Water Footprint Assessment was carried out in accordance with the Global Water Footprint Assessment Standard, and considered all three water footprint types - Green, Blue and Grey.