Organisational Carbon Footprint Assessments

A Carbon Footprint is the sum of Greenhouse Gases (Carbon Dioxide, Methane, Nitrous Oxide, etc) emitted directly or indirectly from a household, business, product or service’s activities.

It is measured in tonnes of Carbon Dioxide Equivalents (CO2e), after conducting a “GHG/CFp (Greenhouse Gas/Carbon Footprint) Assessment,” for which CCC follows globally accepted methodologies. CCC also assists clients in meeting the specific requirements of any selected Carbon Certifications, i.e. DMSs, CMPs, etc.



Why estimation based tools are inadequate for calculating Scope 3 emissions in the apparel sector.

Net-Zero in the Hospitality Sector

WHO says you are Green?

Because Money CAN grow on trees!

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CCC will help you turn your positive environmental intent into an actionable strategy.

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